Category: Green News

Alternative Energy Efficiency Update

Discussions about federal regulations on Energy Star ratings and energy efficient products continue and homeowners need to keep a pulse on the changes. The latest issue of Consumer Reports looks to help shoppers make the best decisions for their needs and possibly save some cash. Consumer Reports recent tests revealed some of the best appliances,… ( read more )

Real Domestic U.S. Alternative Energy Policy Needed

Andrew Smolski, a specialist in Political/Economic Sociology, argues that alternative energy is a boom industry that needs government help in order to cover the initial losses that would be incurred by private industry: It will not “be some socialist evil over-centralizing,”, he concludes, “but it will allow America to rebuild an economy that hangs on… ( read more )

Lawmaker Pushes MA Water Power

State Rep. James Cantwell, D-Marshfield, wants the state to encourage research and investment in hydrokinetics – the harnessing of energy from moving water – by allowing private companies and municipalities to sell back any energy they create through this technology to utility companies. Researchers are working on devices that harness energy from the ocean’s tides… ( read more )

The Alternative Energy Fallacy

Alternative energy investments often make sense for an individual homeowner; however, well-known investor advisory service “The Motley Fool” explains that the idea that widespread deployments of wind turbines, solar panels, and electric vehicles will slash hydrocarbon consumption and give us a greener planet is flawed. These technologies are heavy users of industrial metals. Any significant… ( read more )

Europe’s alternative energy industry feeling the heat

Across Germany’s Solar Valley and beyond, the story is the same, despite the subsidies and the continuing rhetoric from Berlin about the threat from global warming. Workers are struggling with lower pay and are being hit not just by a global recession but by a crisis in an industry whose potential was once considered almost… ( read more )